主催:日本光学会(応用物理学会) 微小光学研究グループ


― 極限光学技術 ‐遠くを見る、極限に迫る‐ ―

日時 : 1999年12月3日(金) 10:00~17:00

場所 : 国立天文台 三鷹キャンパス 大セミナー室   地図

      ( 〒181‐8588 東京都三鷹市大沢2‐21‐2  TEL: 0422‐34‐3502 )

交通 : JR中央線 「武蔵境駅」 バス約15分 『天文台前』下車 または 京王線「調布駅」 バス約15分  『天文台前』下車



10:00~10:10  開会の挨拶

10:10~11:10  【特別講演】重力波検出用レーザー干渉計TAMA300  藤本眞克、TAMA300Collaboration(国立天文台)

11:10~11:35  ライダーデータの定量化を目指して                 竹内延夫、久世宏明、矢吹正教(千葉大)

11:35~12:00  Kmスケール低温重力波望遠鏡計画における鏡の開発      黒田和明、LCGT Collaboration(東大)

12:00~13:00  昼食休憩(60分)

13:00~14:10  見学  レーザー干渉計TAMA300、すばる望遠鏡関連展示

14:10~15:10  【特別講演】すばる望遠鏡と光学技術                           家 正則(国立天文台)

15:10~15:35  注入同期Nd:YAGレーザーの広帯域周波数安定化  武者 満、金谷 剛、中川賢一、植田賢一(電通大)

15:35~15:55  休憩(20分)

15:55~16:20  光衛星間通信実験衛星OICETS搭載光通信機器 


16:20~16:45  量子ホール効果を用いた超高感度遠赤外光検出   川口 康、平川一彦、山中宏治、小宮山進(東大)

16:45~16:55  閉会の挨拶


参加費(資料代含む): 一般4000円、学生1000円 当日ご持参ください

参加申し込み: 不要(直接会場にお越しください)

担当委員: 石榑崇明(慶大)、中塚慎一(日立)、上塚尚登(日立電線)、岡 美智雄(ソニー)

事務局: 〒182-0006 調布市西つつじヶ丘4-23,29‐504 野口 康彦   Tel./Fax.0424‐88‐7670

問い合わせ先: 岡 美智雄(ソニー)  Tel.:03‐5448‐5621/Fax.:03‐5448‐3446 








Large-scale laser interferometers are now under construction by several groups in the world, aiming at detecting gravitational waves and creating a new astronomy, “Gravitational-wave Astronomy”. Japanese interferometer, “TAMA 300, recently started operation in advance of the other projects. Current status of TAMA 300 is overviewed.




It is usually very difficult to derive quantitative aerosol amount from optically measured lider signal. This is due to variability of aerosol optical properties. However, if we know the optical properties, the quantification may be possible. In this paper we derive aerosol optical parameters from the result of chemical analysis if the sampled data, and quantify the lider data.



世界では重力波検出に向けて基線長がkm スケールのレーザー干渉計が建設中であり,日本でも国立天文台で300m 基線長TAMA 干渉計が動作を始めた。21 世紀初頭には、3 つのkm スケールのレーザー干渉計、2 つの中規模干渉計が稼動を始めることとなるが、理論的に予想される重力波発生率からすると直ちに検出の報に接するにはもう少し感度が足りない。このため、日本の重力波グループは、これらの感度を1 桁以上上回る感度を有する、km スケールの低温鏡干渉計(LCGT )計画を策定してその実現のために努力している。ここでは,この計画の要である低温鏡の開発について解説する。

Gravitational wave detectors are being built in the world with km-scale baseline and 300m TAMA interferometer in National Astronomical Observatory in Japan has begun its operation. In the early next century, three km-scale interferometers, two of intermediate scale will be operated to observe gravitational wave events. However, those sensitivities are not enough to frequently catch events considering their theoretical production frequency. Therefore, we, Japanese gravitational wave group have made a plan to construct a Large-scale Cryogenic Gravitational wave Telescope (LCGT), which improves the sensitivity by more than one order. In this talk, I discuss about the development of a cryogenic mirror that determines the sensitivity of LCGT.




The 8.2m Subaru Telescope, that has been under construction by the National Astronomical Observatory atop Mauna Kea since the fiscal year 1991 for 40 billion yen, has made the first light observation in January 1999. The telescope incorporates various top expertises available from al over the world and enables sensing radiation from objects 15 billion light away, almost at the edge of the universe. The scientific objectives and the new technology developed for the Subaru telescope are introduced.




The injection-locked Nd:YAG laser has been developed for the light source of the laser interferometric gravitational wave detector.  The frequency of the injection locked laser is locked to a high-finesse Fabry-Perot cavity and the second-harmonics is locked to the saturated absorption line of the iodine molecules, simulteniously, and the long term and short term frequency stability was obtained.




Optical Inter-Satellite Communication is one of the most promising technologies for future space activities. NASDA is developing OICETS (Optical Inter-orbit Communications Engineering Test Satellite) in order to verify the optical data link technology. This paper describes optical technologies that are utilized during development of the optical communication equipment on board OICETS.




When the two-dimensional electron systems in Si metal-oxide-semiconductor structures or semiconductor heterostructures are subjected to a strong magnetic field, the longitudinal magnetoresistance Rxx vanishes and the Hall resistance Rxy becomes quantized for a finite magnetic field range.  Such quantized Hall effect has already been applied to the resistance standard.  Recently, we found that it is possible to detect far-infrared (FIR) radiation by utilizing the electronic structures unique to the quantum Hall states.  In particular, the responsivity of the quantum Hall FIR detector is 100-1000-fold larger than that of a commercially available bolometer.  In this report, we review the photodetection mechanism and the performance of the quantum Hall FIR photodetector.
